Cockroaches prefer to live and feed in the dark, moist places. They can be found behind refrigerators, sinks and stoves, as well as underfloor drains and inside of motors and major appliances.
Cockroaches can survive several months without food, roaches will eat anything that has nutritional value. They are attracted to starch, sugar, grease, cheese and meat.
Home Remedies to Kill Roaches
- Baking soda and Sugar Mixture: Make a baking soda-sugar mixture by adding equal parts baking soda and sugar. Now, sprinkle this mixture in the areas where you’ve seen cockroaches regularly. You’ll need to leave this bait out and repeat this process until you kill all the roaches.
Sugar isn’t the deadly portion of the mixture, but it will work to attract the roaches. Baking soda kills cockroaches. When Baking soda is eaten by roaches, it releases carbon dioxide bubbles that kill the roaches.
- Lemon is a simple natural remedy to keep the roaches out of the house.
Lemon is often used in the household cleaners and lemon juice is a powerful agent that is able to remove grease and stains. The lemon will keep the roaches away as well.
Take lemon juice and spray in the areas of the home where cockroaches are usually seen and the anti-pathogenic properties of lemon will keep the roaches away from home.Mix the water and lemon juice together, make sure that the lemon is not too diluted and ensure that the lemon smell is still strong. Now, clean everything on the floor with this mixture and your home will have a clean, lemon-fresh smell, too.
You can place lemon peels around the house, where roaches are present to keep them away from the house. -
Place the Bay leaves in a bowl and crush them into a powder. This powder will be sprinkled in areas where you know roaches are present and possibly nesting.
- Borax, Sugar and Flour MixtureTake equal parts of borax, flour and sugar in a bowl. Add enough water to form a thick mixture and now make small balls out of this mixture and keep it in places where cockroaches are usually found.
Borax kills cockroaches and flour and sugar in the recipe attracts them. If you have kids at home, this is not a safe method, try another method as borax is toxic. - Boric acidThis acid has been proven to be effective at killing roaches and it’s one of the most widely used remedies for this purpose.
Once you’ve placed the boric acid in hard-to-reach areas of the home where you know roaches reside. When roaches walk through the boric acid powder, the roaches will get it on their antennae, legs and body. During grooming, the acid will be ingested, which will result in death for the roach.
Mix sugar with boric acid powder and place it in a small bowl and keep them inside the cabinets to get rid of cockroaches from the kitchen cabinets.
But boric acid isn’t safe for consumption, so you’ll need to keep it out of reach of children and pets. This is a poison, and long-term exposure can cause you to become ill. Ingesting boric acid will result in poisoning as well. Roaches will die if they come in contact with this acid.
Boric acid is not effective when wet.
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