Best ways to get rid of lizards in your house

get rid of lizards

We mostly found Lizards in our homes, crawl along the wall, sometime they run towards us and that scares us a lot. Lizards stay in dark and warm places like behind wardrobes, cupboards, furniture, etc. Naturally we used to be scared to go into kitchen and washrooms at night because they lived there. They leave their droppings all over the walls. Sometimes they can be very noisy. But they are not poisonous.

Lizards are very good for controlling bugs around our house and they eat insects like flies, cockroaches and crickets. If you keep your house bugs-free then there will be no Lizards in your house.

How many years does a lizard live?
Some lizards can live up to 50 years. The gestation period for a common lizard egg can be few days or few months, it's all depends on the species of Lizards. Most baby lizards are able to take care of themselves from birth and are able to walk, run and feed on their own.

For those of us who are terrified of these reptiles, here are a few tips for bid farewell to lizards from the house permanently!

Egg shells
get rid of lizards

Lizards won’t stay near where they see eggshells, as these are repelled by the smell of eggs. Just place eggshells around your house, near doors, windows, behind cupboards and the creepy crawlies will stay away. Just change them every 3 to 4 weeks.

Get rid of cockroaches and other insects.
get rid of lizards

If you have a dirty kitchen with unwashed dishes, filth will attract insects such as cockroaches, spiders, flies, mosquitoes and other small insects. Lizards will remain in the house if insects are available for them to feed on.  So get rid of cockroaches and other insects by cleaning your house.

get rid of lizards
Lizards hate the smell of garlic. Just keep cloves of garlic near doors and windows to keep away the pests. Alternatively you can prepare a mixture out of garlic juice and water, spray the areas where they are often seen and where they crawl to keep your house lizard-free.

get rid of lizards

Like garlic smell, lizards hate the pungent smell of onions as well. Just hang them near doors or windows or place them in lizards’ hiding places. They will leave the house as they can’t stand the smell! Alternatively, prepare a mixture out of onion juice and water, spray it around the house to keep away lizards forever.

Homemade Pepper Spray
You can prepare a mixture out of pepper sauce and water spray it around the house. They cannot tolerate pepper and they will stay away from the areas that are sprayed.

Bird Feathers
A bird feather is effective remedy to get rid of lizards. Birds are natural predators of lizards.  Just hang a few bird feathers around the house, lizards will be scared away, thinking there are birds in the area.

Naphthalene Balls
We use naphthalene balls to keep pests away from our homes, they work on lizards as well. Place them in cupboards and shelves to keep lizards away from the house.

Electric Repellent
get rid of lizards

There are electric lizard repellents available in shops or online shopping sites – these emit sounds in ultrasonic frequencies which are intolerable for lizards and it is not harmful to human beings. If you have electric lizard repellent installed in your house, lizards won’t come near your house ever.
There is an Android app available on Google Play which you can download it for free! in your smart phone and run it to keep the lizards away from the house.

Try using glue traps
get rid of lizards

Trap the reptiles by placing a glue trap where they are often seen, after which you can just throw the trap away. The Lizard will be killed as a result, so those who prefer not to kill the Lizard should not use this method.

Use above tips to get rid of Lizards and have a lizard free house.
